Tagged as: back to school

Back to School Collection 2018
Back to School Collection 2018

2018-04-14 11:38:57

Most of us understand how difficult for our children to get back to school after a long and free summer holiday. So many things stress out children as getting out of bed in the morning to catch up a school bus, doing too much homework and separating from their parents. However, back to school offers children a wide range of emotions as it always has a positive feeling.

Tips to prepare for Back to school
Tips to prepare for Back to school

2017-05-11 10:00:55

Back to school time can be both exciting and stressful for students and parents alike. Getting ready for the first day of classes is a family effort. Here are some things you can do to help your children prepare for the upcoming school year.

It’s back to school day- and how will you dress for your kids?
It’s back to school day- and how will you dress for your kids?

2017-05-05 14:54:20

Are you ready? It is time for kids to get back-to- school. There are dozen trends around the country that are having an impact on what students are wearing to school. Backpacks/School Bags are an essential part of school life - they hold lunch boxes, drink bottles, pencil cases, notebooks, folders, instruments, sports gear, a change of clothes and on goes the list. What to wear for kids for back-to-school has always been a major consideration for parents. In this blog, we will highlight some tips for mummy when shopping for back-to-school clothes for their kids.